Saturday, November 28, 2009

M.M.F best outing ever!!!

The most enjoyable time M.M.F had for their outing has ended. it seemed slow when we are looking forward, but the process ended fast. even though it was just a normal day, we made it the best day Ever in the history of M.M.F's life!! <3 <3 <3

27 November 2009, 12plus:

me, dolly and xe were busy chatting with each other..commenting on my errors..and ooking forward during afternoon where we will meet each tgt, with the rest of m.m.f.haha...while cahtting, xe's modem suddenly broke down. dolly and me were tihnking what had happened??? Nonetheless, we waited for her even though we felt extremely tired. xe's di, jp came chatting wif me at fb..we are badmouthing abt xe>< ps sio..but luckily my sided her while i sided her brother. tt was fun~ ard 1 plus, xe came online again..we chatted awhile and went off to sleep~ yawn.:O

27 November 2009, morning:

i was still sleeping when suddenly zx called up and asked me when are we meeting for the outing and where it is...i relunctantly replied him~ but when he said he most probably will be meeting us, my face WOW up... hahax. he explained that because now he will be going m'sia with his family to shop and will be arriving sg in the noon ard 3plus~ i told him our meeting time and place.then i went bk to rest for awhile before i decided to go wash up my face, brush my teeth and off to eat my breakfast. woots. 10 plus: i was chatting with dolly again~~~he aws saying abt his haircut and the meeting time~~ :D .....
upon dolly offline to get ready to come and meet me, xe,von and he shun, xe came online immediately! wow!!!hahax..coool~ then we both went to take a shower to due to the hot weather caused by human resources><...had my lunch and chatted awhile before xe asked me to go meet von.i siad goodbye and went off to meet von. haha. while i was walking during halfway, dolly called up and asked whether i could offer him help by helping to buy prepaid card..i immediately agree and said of cos :D. haha..also, he apologised tt he will be late due to those long queue in the custom.i said its alright~ we could wait up..because...we have plenty of time tt day!!! :D.yea~ when i reached yew tee, saw von afterwards and went on to meet xe and he shun. gosh. when they came into the train, xe was like asking:"wah,why u all today wear stripes de shirts." haha..we din really realised that~~ and as usual, we discussed over how and when shall we pass dolly's precious gift to him while he shun,on the other hand, were busy looking at the gift. haha..yea~

we reached je platform ard 2.40pm and waited for doll's call. after some time, he called up and asked where were we. gosh>< i have to apologise that i told him the wrong direction and the exact place...>< sorry!.Anyway, after that, we took the mrt to joo koon and all the way to expo >< was one long journey~1+hrs to reached the destination..geesh..while on the train, as usual...our common topic[ except von]..SNSD, chatted randomly, laming everywhere and when...luckily, we had these acommpaniment during the trip. If not, it will be so freaky boringgg [yawn].

we reached expo ard 4 plus. gosh..presence of humankind is everywhere...everyone was rushing towards expo to have their first hand expoerience of those discounts at there!!.gosh..typical singaporeans...[ i am partly in it too..haha!!] however,the suay thing was, me and von's card was tapped as overtime..DAMN!! $2 was deducted from our ez-link i know why govt had so much money!!! used ppl's hard earned money and splunder as they like.zzzz...>< Irritated by what it had been done, we went off towards expo and tried not to think about it.geeeesh. oh yea, there were people everywhere, got to squeeze our way into and out the hall...even though i was the only tt bought something from there~ but got to thks everyone for accompanying me..haha!! :P.. oh~ we were feeling kinda tired and uneasy and went off to changi airport after von met her friend.

27 November 2009, evening:

we reached terminal 3 ard 5plus and met zx ^ ^. woots. we were happy that zx could come and join us. <3 We decided to find some eating place to eat there...Intentionally, we intend to go to popeye and had our dinner, but it was fully packed with tourists and locals. We turned back and went to secret recipe instead. gosh...we had to wait for nearly and hour before we are seated...while we were waiting, dolly,zx and me went to "each a cup" and bought to quench our thirst..we walked bk to some seating place.. waited and waited and waited..random photos taken...and we were getting impatient,especially he shun..AHA...Then we decided to went over to the entrance of secret recipe and check whether its our turn.....gosh..and the reply was we had to wait for a moment. =.=.. we roamed around the vicinity- sweet shops etc. and after waiting for a long time...we finally could settle down and ordered our dinner...haha..we had fun even when we were having it..gosh...When the bill came..gosh...i super love the amt... $70+.. haha..being the typical sg ,i will usually freak out and said..omg...but i did not what happen to me..haha..i told everyone that i will foot the bill first..coool~ was one miracle thing everyone saw.. :O

After having our dinner..everyone kinda regretted on eating at the place...ex and still hungry>< dolly was kinda upset because he expected the food to be more appetizing and more~ Then, we went over to the departure hall and our eyes opened wide to see tourists inside...we felt so coool..Everyone was thinking when will the day come where we will be able to go overseas >< will took fews years later before everyone is ok and had our first trip overseas as one M.M.F :D Later we went to find seats; where planes could be seen[ eventually, the glass were covered with some metal stuffs and we cant really see that.. We took random picts again, with von being that temporary photographer... chatted about korean bands again~ laughin at ourselves reactions etc while waiting for james to come~~~ kinda took him 2hrs to reach..omg>< haha... when he FINALLY reached, we continued our plan by ignoring him. haha..xe was like fail plan ah!! haha..cos she cant be serious and she will automatically laugh like siao le~ Then, mostly everyone was like zzz with him..long sia.....

27 November 2009, night:

We Went to terminal 2's Coffee bean and had the surprise ready for dolly..von and xe were like geesh..when dolly followed them to buy some beverages..Unknowingly, dolly went back to his seat when both of them asked him to. i chatted wif him like nothing unusual happened..thenn...the most touching part came~~ james videoed the entire process..while xe and and von brought the ckae to the table...we kinda sung him a quiet belated bdae song shile me, von, xe went to von's bag and took out our special gift- srapbook!! to him!! haha...dolly's expression wasl ike OMG~ haha.he was speechless over what we had done for him..i guess, its another shocking moment for him, right? haha.. then, we moved to the a bigger table and sat down. while dolly looked through it, everyone was staring at his face...wanting him cry!!! haha..james, as usual, took lots of random picts. coool!! haha..sadly, we din see dolly cried but we saw some tears in it..gosh..immediately, me von and xe were like YES!!!! WE DID IT!!! OUR PLAN SUCCEED!!!! haha..gosh...finally, after days of preparations for this 78 long pages.. we presented it to the bdae guy-dolly!!.whoohoo!!!! even though, we did not really make him cry, but we are really really pleased that dolly loved our gift for him- a gift that was filled with 8 golden hearts and appreciation. [ aw~ ] haha..then later.. after some group photos, we went on to upstairs to take more james took loads of it.. we do any actions that we could thought of- wonder girls, sexy etc. LOL haha..that was so fun!! gosh... the whole place was filled with our laughter!! HAHAx!! tt time was 10.40pm>< wow late late!!

27 November 2009, near midnight:

Later on, we went to take the travelator across and the escalator down to the stn.o.0. we were like kinda hurried to entered the train because the door closed. but he shun. forgot to top up his crad and we got to wait for him. Luckily, we were able to board onto the train :D Afterwards, we board the green line and off we go to je. haha..everyone could never guess tt right~ but we took photos again inside the train,one particular funny pict was while james was taking a pict of us, there were 3tourists behind us looking at the camera too..HHAHAHA!! We burst out laughing when wel ooked back at the photos taken by james. haha..even the 3 toursits who were behind us all along, giggled away..:P That was like tooo WOW!!!haha!!Later on, few by few, we alighted at different stops. Dolly and me accompanied zx halfway before we went straight to my home.

28 November 09, 1+am:

We on our laptops and started to plurk and chat..sis was waiting for us to play bingo but we din>< sorry sis!! perhaps next time?? ^ ^ Then, after bathing, it was real late...haha..but both of us werent really tt sleepy. So,after chatting wif xe for awhile, we played CS haha!! and its till 4 or 5 plus am!!! WOW!Then, we continued tonning by playing metal slug till near 7am. wow!! broke record when tonning at my houe!! haha..awesome!!! :D. After that, i went out of my room nad happened to see my dad awake early in the morning, preparing breakfast.. haha..i chatted with for a little while, before i went in again. then, we are kinda like sleepy, and just dozed off without much talking. :D

28 November 2009, 11+am:

I woke up and heard dolly talking over the phone. the tuning man came over to my house and tuned the piano. Reluctantly, we both go get ready for our brunch. gosh. haha..i din realise its so late!! woah!! haha. After eating, we went on playing ps- dead or alive and marvel vs capcom. cool!!! To our surprise, zx called and said hes at yew tee..haha.. so i asked him over to my place..haha..the funny thing was, dolly had to go when zx reached.HAHA..but at least zx did played 2 rounds~ :D haha...yea..then,we bid farewell to my mum and my sis and i took the both of them to the bus stop and sent them off.. haha..yea~ ^^

It was really a spectacular and awesome day M.M.F members ever had!! even some cant make it, but the rest of us still enjoyed!! yea..and finally, our whit lies can now
be exposed...Finally..gosh.. haha..and yea...may everything be success to you dolly!! ^ ^we rox forever!! :D

[ thks xe for making the most effort in doing the scrapbook. thks von for helping with the ideas. thks for the rest of m.m.f for contributing. and lastly, THKS DOLLY FOR BEING SUCH A GREAT GREAT GREAT GREAT BEST FRIEND AND BUDDY IN M.M.F!! <3 ]

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