Thursday, September 3, 2009

1,2 Sept 09

HAHA...initially on tue, only zx wanted to come my hse to meet me to go for a the end..dolly oso came too ^ ^ ard 11.30 am we reached cck swimming our dismay, rain started pouring din became better but even worst...waited till 12.10pm before we went in..GEESH...the water was freaky cold and the wind even made us shiver..BRRR....TT WAS TOTALLY freezing!!!!..upon ready, we jumped into the water..argh...COLD...haha...then just swam around till around 1.15pm..rain strted to poured heavily and we had to go out of the pool.....thought abt the consequences of tt rain, we decided to took a quick shower instead of waiting for it to stop before we went back to swim...after that, we took 307 to yew tee point and had our lunch.

After our lunch, we went bk my home and rest for awhile...we chat , on our msn, blah blah..transfer photos to dolly's lappy...

Around 4 plus, we went out to accompany zx to go to his workpalce..whoohoo..lanshop...but sad, no SA..>< but we managed to play AUDITION^ ^..whohoo...had breaks , bought kinde joy, water bk ...and continued to play sudition[ cos l4d need steam account allthose, troublesome sia..tsktsktsk]...and around 11.20pm zx xia ban and we took bus and mrt bk my home...HAHA..

immediately we on our lappy after we reached home... on, see the cartoon version of resident evil..had webcam wif mok..HAHA..she seemed surprised when she saw the three of us..she was like wahlau...HAAH...tts was fun ,real fun...anyway, while mok was busy, we went over to the kitchen and have our dinner cum supper..HAHA..asam fish, veggies, eggs, vegetarian de food, lotus soup, rice...gosh..we were full man...haha..we then opened our kinde joy ...played cs till 5AM lei..HAAHAHAH...[ zx were aslp long time ago] HAHA...actually, we wanted to pia throughout the whole night.. but we scared my parents woke we off our com and went off to slp...

Next day.....

i was woken up by zx's was 9+am..lOL....upon waking up and did those necessary stuffs..we ate our chocolate, muffins that my mum baked and custards that my dad bought..i wanted to gave them pizza..but i think they quite full din gave it to them. After that, while dolyl was waiting for his audition setup to finish...we played dai di..HAHA...

11am..zx went bk home..cos he gt to study for his last ppr...>< jiayou zx!!!![ not forgetting mok , ji hoon and others will support u de..HAHAHA!!!]..when we returned and rest for a moment, we were amazed!!!! both of us could play audition!!! OMGOGMOGMOGM[ ps ah mok, dun worry , u can play u got to concentrate on yr studies first ^ ^]

And thats why...both of us played till 1 plus..had mc lunch with my sis...and continue to play till was soooo fun man...dolly improved alot alot!!!

[ oh ya..zx..rmbr to meet me ,if u wan, to get bk yr keys wor..HAHA ]..oh ya..not forgetting the last part...

while i was bringing dolly to yew tee stn...we called mok and told her that that the important thing is....DOLLY CAN PLAY usual, mok was like wahlau..hehehe..funny girl...and we just chatted till we reached the station de traffic light..and there i said tata to dolly....>< sad...2 days just gone...its just so fast!!!!! ARGH!!!...

everytime, we hope that fun things come fast and end slow...but it just dont go along our way...maybe its fate...>< anyway, more things coming up...AHAHHA...i am looking forward to it..right everyone?? hahaha!!!!

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