Thursday, September 10, 2009

the two days i had enjoyed with M.M.F :P just so happy to enjoyed these two days with was just so memorable...I really really enjoyed myself very much. Steamboat, mj,cards,''lan shop time''etc..that was the best experience i ever had in my life!!ok, i will just summarise what we did for the past 2 days :D. here goes...

hoho..woke up at around 10am in the morning,was bathing and heard my phone ringing.It was zhu xian.I was like wow he's soso punctual man[ must give him this award]and i got to hurry up and put on my clothes.I gave him a WOW when i opened the door for him.the time was just 10.05am,55mins before our meeting time.COOL! then, while waiting for dolly's call, both of us watched tv to spend our time.Later on, we decided to call dolly cos we kinda w8 quite long..and guess what, dolly, xue er, james were on the train that had just passed my house.Dolly saw me at the window.LOL!!Anyway, me and zx immediately tokk our things and went off to meet them at the T-junction.While we waited, we saw figures walking to and fro ..and immedaitely i saw the three of them, expecially mok, cos she was carrying her pink lappy.

HAHA,indeed when we met,we chatted like nobody was like WOW..HAHA..and we reached von's house within, when we were reaching von's house doorstep, she was already there standing and complaining that our sound arrived much earlier than our presense..HAHA!!!After that, we put down our things, on our lappy and started fb,plurk,msn,installing audi,playing audi, chat etc..HAHA..Actually, we were supposed to go off to sheng shiong and buy our food for steamboat, but we dragged..HAHA ..but were having fun :P..

At 2+pm we reached sheng shiong. the first thing we do was eat ,eat ,eat..HAHA.we even took photo wif the table.LOL.yea..after that,we met he shun and went shopping ^ ^.It took us at least an hour to shop finish..were playing wif the trolley, choosing best ingredients for our steamboat..HAHA..tidbits,maggie mee etc were for our supper.:P while we were waiting to pay for our food,me, dolly and mok took a photo together. HAHA..i felt so embarassed carrying that big lollipop.but in the end, i still did.LOL!Later on, while looking at the receipt, von ask me to fill in the lucky draw form.Immediately, he shun volunteered..HAHA..T.S like me!!yeap,we took photos again..HAHA..!!!

Then,we went back to von's house;zhu xian got to go work[sad man..:(] On our way back, we chatted and chatted.I remembered something..i was to tell them tt the pillar we saw resembled a torch, but i seemed to forget whats the word and what i did was saying :" see over there, that torch." HAHAH..everyone was like huh??haha.dolly was the only one understand what i meant. the others were like LOL and were laughing hysterically upon knowing what i wanted to tell them.LOL haha!!i wun forget that!! HAHA..[ remembered this?>>wuddenly instead of suddenly; speel instead of spell..HAHA..that was so lame man!!]

We reached von's house around 4 or 5+ pm.Immediately after we put our food inthe fridge, we started doing what we did just now.And after sometime, we decided to play mahjong..HAHA..i was on my winning streak man..dolly was like zzzzzz,because he kept on feeding me,letting me win again and again..HAHA..but hes not angry or what..cos ITS JUST A GAME!..HAHA...we continued to play and play even though the house was stuffy and we were having suana[dk how to spell>] Around 7 or 8 plus, justin arrived.We played mj again..HAHA.Then, von's mum came back and helped us prepared our steamboat[omgomg!! thks alot auntie!!!]heshun and mok went to help but in the end they were classified as flower vase..HAHAAHA.james volunteered to help prepare..fried eggs and others..thks again :D..

At around 10 plus, we started our steamboat..we were persipring like mad while eating..HAHA..and the weird thing is, the power kept on off on off..von was like plugging diff switch all the times but still failed>< in the end, we decided to stopped eating partly due to that..HAHA..anyway, we were kinda full..luckily,there were stil not tt much food left on the table..phew..if not jiu lang fei le.;O..HAHA..and you know what we did after that?? yeap, we played mj again while watching ming zhong zhu ding wo ai ni ^ ^..that was the time i kept on winning..HAHA..dolly was zzzzz LOL =.=..HAHAAHAH..after all, it was just a friendly game,right??? ^ ^ Later on, zhu xian called and decided to come down from his worlplace ..We were like cooool!!!!!!..yes man!!!and you noe what? we asked mok and he shun went to pick him up..HAHA..i cant remembered who say that ask them to be careful ..HAHAHAHA''CAREFUL''!!hehehe.[ that time mok bathed le..and she took hours to bath lah not that exxagerating..but is kinda long..everyone was like ..wah..mok bathe so ''fast'' wor..!!]

It was past 12am and we were still mj-ing..HAHA but quietly.Von was playing d.d wif her brother and her mum was sleeping[i guess].and around near 2am, we kinda stopped playing mj.Instead, we played audition..HAHA..and by that time the three of them came back..we kinda took turns to feeling was so cool..water splashing;woot!and we took photos again after that..HAHA!![ motive is to took 200+ but in the end oni half..haha..cos mok were to go bk home to rest awhile before attending another friend's bdae party at night and the cam is with her..thats why..]oh yea..

By the time everyone was ready, it was near 3am, and we started our first movie- hotel for dogs.LOL!! we were like just watching few mins and we kinda felt sleepy already..HAHA..immediately, we changed to ouja board. wow..i was scared by heshun sia..few times!!!my expression was so funny till he laugh like hell!! i joked with mok and asked her whether she want to exchange seatswith me but she dont want.reason was she had experienced that alot of times!! HAHAA..i was like ok~~ HAHA..but still, we din really watched everything, cos is ait boring and our mind is abit dead...then, after he shun skipped most of the part, the movie ended shortly.We rested awhile, helepd cleaned up the table we had used for the steamboat, james mopped the floor and others helped out too ^^[ i remembered something..dolly was kind of want to lie down on mok..and she screamed..HAHA.that was funny man..HAHA!!mok was like still very sleepy ,{of cos..she needs alot of energy for the party!!LOL me}]

Shortly after cleaning up, me and he shun recommended another movie to the rest:THE HILLS HAVE EYES. haha..that was one amazing movie that somehow make us awake ^ ^..[ but james,zx,mok were sleeping..james woke up halfway when the movie started]haha..dolly's best part was when that baby's father used that pixel axe and hit that gruesome creature..haha..that really woke us up!! it was indeed amazing and cool!!..blood everywhere..woot!! HAHAH!!! the time that movie was near 4 or 5 am.We went on to play cs, chatted, and chatted.

Then around 6+am, von went off to take her grandma go polyclinic and she asked me to take care of the keys..[ wow!!macham like i am the master of he house..HAAHAHAHAAH!! NO SHAME SIA ME...]yea..then mok woke up..and we continued to take photos everywhere..oh ya ,mok!!! we forgot to take photo os us carrying lappies!!ahh!!!yea..after tooking, silence was heard in the house..later on, von's mom went out to work..her brother went to sentosa and mok went off to home cos she needed rest again:P[ we missed you sia!!!!!][ i eard mok met von on the way.haha!!] oh yar, mok came back again,because she forgot to take back her towel..LOL!! HAHA..and bid farewell again..HAHA..

later on, one by one slept..leaving me and dolly .widely awake..i was stoning and he was playing audition and sudden attack.Von came back afterwards.heshun was sleeping on von's bed and von saw that..she was like LOLOLOL!!!!!then dolly took a quick nap..and so did i..von did too. but when i woke up , my two legs went numb..i cant really moved..dolly was like wah..and hitted my right leg ..LOL!! haha..luckily tt pain went off awhile..phew!!!oh ya, dolly told me that he was awoke by james's missed call..wah!! [james later told us that he thought we went out without him, so when he looked up he saw no one, thats why he decided to call us..HAHA..dolly so suay man...] was 11plus when both os us wok up..and we decided to woke the rest too..cos our badminton outing starts at 1pm ..HAHA..but everyone was like still in sleeping mood. guess what? me and dolly took our handphones, off the fan to just to wake everyone up..HAHA!!! yea man..good idea :P.By the time we were ready, it was 12+pm,WOW!! and we went to my house and put down our bags before heading off to the badminton courts] dooly thought we were off to eat first..HAHA!!!sorry ah dolly!!yep...we started playing and we were again having another sauna..HAHA..we awere perspiring like mad!! he shun went out to take a LONG breath[ in the end he stayed outside till we headed back to my house.LOL]Then, around 2.45pm, i went out with my sis to play basketball.dolly joined us shortly.Others went out too..cos everyone could not stand the they moved out.They played cards outisde the court, while he shun sat at the bench near the basketball court and von,dolly and me continued playing basketball..HAHA..

After awhile, everyone was tired.and we decided to went back to my house.-yawn-justin and von went back home after a very quick rest..cos they wanna sleep..HAHA!!dolly then went off for shower..while we chatted again and ate some donuts we wished all M.M.F were present..that wil be great man!!!yea..once dolly washed up, we ate our instant noodles and played cards till around 5pm and they decided to go home[ cos everyone was really really really tired1!]hoho..dolly ,he shun and james went off back taking mrt, while i sent zx off the bus..

wow..time really fly past fast and two days had gone..i really really missed that two wonderful and memorable days!!!our bonding really are getting closer and closer everytime we met..WHOOHOO!! i really enjoyed myself very much!!..indeed, that was awesome!!WILL NOT FORGET THAT TWO DAYS!!hehe..mok jealous right~~ cos second day got to go home..but is alright^^

M.M.F!! notice: there will be another outing next week...details will be said in msn ^ ^ come online and have mass oncvo!! whohoo!!..guaranteed to be another fun and exciting moment we ever had!! oh yea!!!

[i started to post from 9+ or 10+pm till now 1.45am..WOW!! i spent so much time..LOLOL!!! hahahah..and this post was the longest post i ever man!! ]

OK, i think that;s about it ^^ will upload photos next time :P so stay tuned to my next post!! cya everyone!!! M.M.F rock on the world!!!

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