Thursday, March 18, 2010


alright..i shall reinstate my blog and let it be alive again...

my apology for not updating..exams,lazy.Wow, aint you peeps surprised that i finally updated my blog..hahaz.nvm~ i doubt ppl will view my blog since its officially

Anyway,today,i went to cck polyclinic to have my deep wound in my right elbow dressed again.Its the 4th appointment since i had this accident,or shall i say,cylcing incident. Its quite a pretty long story.

I went over for chalet during the second day to meet up with my poly-mates.Never did i expect that we were gonna ride bikes from pasir ris all the way to changi village...and at a later point of time,get bk to pasir ris.I was thrilled at first.Rode with full of excitement. We ate,rode over to the beach, w8ed awhile see those ah-guas in action[oops,but never really get to see them,cos they worked late at night.]The most tragic thing happened.After contacting my aunt to book for my haircut..i rode my bike with speed all the way.Trying to be hero,i tried to put my hp back my bag using one hand, and another hand to balance off.Never did i notice that there is a hump str8 after an unknown bus-stop.Immediately,bang!! 180 degress off my right hand and right leg were injured..bag protected my back..and the bike,landed on my body.

I got up my feet.puzzled for a moment.look at my deep wound on my right elbow...The commuters w8ing for the bus did not move a budged.Eyes stood at me and did nothing.How ridiculous was that.Fortunately, one of my poly-mates,Royston,who was riding behind me,sped up and held me.Thank G-D he was there.If not,i will be stranded there for hours.Anyway,immediately he called up another two of our friends to help out. Phew! they came asap and werE shocked at the news Royston told them about me.Nevertheless, Royston held me across the road and bring me back to chalet to seek immediate medication.Whereas, the both of them carried both of our bikes back chalet.Upon reaching,we saw almost everyone.And all gave those :O face.Marcus seems tramautised from the look of the face.haha.He was asking me whether am i feeling gross when looked at the wound.I replied not really,cause im used to those stuffs[ u cant imagine that i am kind of sadistic..cos i love watching SAW]. The counter lady directed us to a nearby clinic instead as she said that she cant possibly help due to the serious injuries caused.

15 mins later,Royston,another friend of mine,siok ann and me reached the clinic.gosh..i shall not descibe the details of how the terrible doctor did to me..and -,-. it costs 95 bucks..Atrocious dude! I aint that enough money to pay:X and I am owing royston that sum of money..geesh!..blah blah blah..i stayed up in the night and managed to catch some sleep..Woke up 10 plus in the morning..and everyone got ready to pack off to home.

I just wanna say thank you to everyone for yr concern and support within these few days.My leg is almost recovered..My most worry is my elbow..heard from the nurse that its 0.3cm deep..and i can see my real flesh covered with stains of blood.Thats oh my..Now im hoping i will be OK to enjoy myself during this holiday..

Forget the past,Touch the present,Look on the future..Thats what my motto is,currently,i guess.and yea..its 5pm+ now..I heard that my grandma is going to TTSH tmr for blood test.I guess i must accompany her since no one is able to. And i think she will be super shocked when she wound.LOL. ^_^

Alright..i shall shut the crap a call from my grandma and she insists me not to accompany her for tmr check-up.Guess i don't need to then.Just hope shes fine for both the check-up and the operation next week.G-d bless you grandma! and not forgetting everyone, too. =D

Logging off now.till then.goodbye.

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