Friday, March 19, 2010

days are nearer..

afternoon ppl!

the days are nearer and everyone is full of excitement.Dolly and others just got back their results.Heard that it wasnt really their ideal heart thumped even faster...if their standards are like that...for me..:X i dont think i will get my ideal results..just hope. HOPE. Pray. this is what i am gonna do for the next few days[other than other stuffs that its gonna happen next week. hehe]

Dun feel bad dolly..We know you really mugged like heaven during the study week..Great job though.All the best for the rest of yr study life..same to xe and everyone.=D

[SNSD ROCKS!! SO DO SOOYOUNG!Roar..give more singing parts to my lover!!!! Roarrrr!haha.jkjk]

Right now...i am waiting for my mum to come back with the packed food she had bought.While w8ing,im chatting with dolly ^^ woots..we cant w8 for next week.just soo thrilled!whohoo!

hmm~chatting..will be bk again ltr.ttyal.

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