Wednesday, January 7, 2009

HEHE!!.ytd i finally got to go out ...with my beloved aunt!!! i enjoyed pretty much!we went to different shopping centres and shopppp till we tired...hahax..anw...around 3pm, we went into one of those ''eng'' eating places...u noe what... we can just go into and find a seatto sit down..howeva since this is our first time to go such ''class'' de eatery....we just stood outside and waited for `10miins... LOLX...still gt ...while we were w8ing for our food to be served.. we went to get FREE LOAVES OF breads...WOOT.!!!FREE!!IS FREE OF CHARGE!!!hahahaaz but then when we took our first bite ..omg ....let me tell u... its so hard till we nearly broke our tooth...u shld see our facial expressions...damn hilarious..even those ppl around us ...keep on staing at us..pondering wth was this two lunatics doing...HEHE!!!:D.and tt eatery was filled with our laughter lo..hehe we went on laughing and laughing till one of those waitress came and we just keep our mouths as tight as possible.anw,the food was totally ns and superb^^in conjunction, when we had our fill and was resting..i happened to see one of my friends,CIXIAN.... when she saw me ,she was lke HIHI.... keep on avering hands to me...hehe tt was so conincidence lo...manage to see her at this time[4+pm]...
After that ...we went to marina square and just roamed around the shopping centre...looking things everywhere but nt buying >>lol,and it was ladyluck tt brought to us to this store[GIORDANO] was 5.30pm....and we were about to foot the bill[i bought 2 t-shirts],that cashier says.:"becos we are moving out ..there wil be a 40%discount for all]"... wah i tell u ..we were lke OMG ...ANOTHER DISCOUNT ....damn shiok lah!!!!dun nid pay so much leh..FREE!!!!!!!MUAHAHHA...hw i wsh thr's another free items!!!!$7 off ...who dun wan..right?YEA BABY!!!i was so estactic larhz.hehe .in the end ... the whole shopping was a success!! aunt then sent me off to see my grandma[cos she was feeling unwell... so i got to rush down ans visit her!!] ,and she went shopping herself^^...anw i told this to my family..haha they oso felt happy ...cos less money was forked out to pay the shirts!!!!hahaha!!...see isn't i gd?hehe so if u guys wanna buy anything...haha COME LOOK FOR ME-..dun forget ...i am a typical singaporean ...hehe EVERYTHING WILL BE REASONABLE !!!!

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