Tuesday, February 10, 2009

haha anyway bk to posting..erm nth really happen today actually..just the same old thing..meet up with zhu xian..went jogging for ard 35mins lke tt...rest then go eat.. ltr come bk watch my newly bought vcds[this week bough 2 liao..itshows how bored isit at home]..the movie was totally gore and all those vulgar words strted to came out even before the show was going on for 5mins...[of cos ...the vcd is M18,tt's why ...]but the main character-killer was totally pshyco...killed those ppl tt he hates..zzz omg!!!it was bloody all ard...

after that we asked the kelly services agency...too double hecked whether there's job vacancy...their reply is>>oooh i will check for u .yr resume are sent all ard the branches..will contact u once theres job''..we were lke lol ok... ltr went to ask jun hao bout those jobs[cos he asking too]..after a while ard 1pm..both of us decided to personally go find jobs ard the neighbourhood...hahax but sadly there arent any p-t jobs available..then i go ask jun hao again for the venue..[thks again ]then we went str8 to he destination..wah.there are lke so many ppl there..but luckily we managed to get the application form..in the end..we were lke P-HEW!!finally...after walking for many hours...finally we gt it..so now we are currently w8ing for both agencies reply..see which one come first..LOL..heheanyway,any jobs will do fine for me..i just wanna work..staying at home=rotting at home..zzz dun u guys agree??[for those w8ing for poly admission]

then we went bk home with a satisfaction in our smile..heheyar tt's all..kinda short..but tt's what roughly happen today..^^got to go now..will be bk posting again soon..haha yea..''soon'..LOL!!^^

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