Thursday, February 5, 2009

picts taken on 28 jan...[photos taken during the journey to yew jon house..and oso at his house^^ ]

haha are us taken using my old camera..just before it was spoilt by someone....zzz:

me, xue er,he shun, james taking a photo tgt...[random taken ..LOL!!]:

hehe taking a group photo ...wtih the buildings and sky as the landscape..a pity my eyes closed when being taken..zzzz:

members of the maomao family taking family photo..i luv this photo a lot!!!the sunset scene being our bkground really makes this photo feel more lively and clear..haha got to say thks to this photographer..[either bairavi,bavanni,or kana]..ahhhhh love it loads!!!!:P:

justin poking their j.k..he's just having fun..n1 dad^^:

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