Thursday, February 5, 2009

muahaha bk from nowhere^^ bk from posting to say loads of sorry..cos been busy quite a while then when i gt back home, it was kinda late le...LOL...excuses..lmao..anyway, heres my post....

jan31:went to my mum's teachers house for CNY...sat on my mum's friend's car...wah i tell you...she drve super fast once an uncle,in his mid order to go to the other lane,he drove past my mum's friend..she was lke zzz ungentleman,,,,nvm let me play wif him....she drove ard 120km/h and went past him within secs..she was lke yea!!see who's old liao still wan challenge shame...wah i tell everyone was lke laughing all the way...damn hilarious lah..nvm,again tt uncle purposely drove past her AGAin when both cars were going down to the other expressway..then u noe what?she did tt again ..this time without failure...she managed to went past him..HAHAHA!!!!!anyway, we reached the destination ard 2 one was there my mum and the others went over to chat wif their sitting there extras..jut w8ing to collect ang baos[ face..]anyway they kept on chatting...jokes ...some cold jokes.. ARD 4 plus, my mum's another friend brought us to payar lebar mrt stn there..wah i tell u ..a mercedes seh..and tt''CC' is big lor..[the size of the car..FYI]and i sat mann.. i tell u that moment was the best moment i ever had...2nd time since i'm able to sit on a COOOl car lo!!!!really really shiok^^anyway after tt we went to my aunt's house...played blackjack,tai di,charades... damn fun.had lot's of great time..even though i lost $1.60..haha[cos we bet 10 cents nia]...we stayed till 9 plus then went bk home...hehe...

FEB2:erm my cousins they all came to my house...again we played poker cards..lost again..due to my aunt's luck..keep getting either a 20 or 21...[blackjack]...then we had lunch cooked by my wonderful mum^^after tt went to my other cousin's and play and!!!!in the end i won some money back^^soooo much fun...our laughters can be heard audible...we chat too...i really enjoyed tt day alot!!!!coming sat i oso most prob going to their house...toplay mj and eat !!!hahaha

Feb3:nth happend tt much..just tt in the morning i randomly called up the kelly services..and u noe what it really went through.. i was toking to a real live person ,instead of what zx said de [a machine] and i was lke stuttering..u noe my eng is really i tok to tt person using my powderful singlish^^LOL..the person-in charge told me lots of those related stuffs...and in the end he said he will tell me and zx asap..haha glad to hear tt..after that we met each other at cck stn and went westmall to go have our lunch and watched ''INK HEART''..wah i tell u the cinema was lke so empty lah..both of us went pacing around up and down the stair,sat on those couple seats..etc..and in the end we had fun in the cinema..LOLhaha!!!anyway,the movie was fantastic..even though it only lasts for cool man...after that we went to buy vcds...zx bought EAGLE-EYE..and i bought PRIMEVEL[ at lot 1] mann those movies..lke it alot!!haha after that we said gd bye and went the ending very random..LOL!!!!

Feb4:woke up in the morning..ard 6.45am..feeling abit sleepy...but still got to wake up cos meeting james and zx at my house exactly at came early and the other,well,not[u guys shld noe who came early who came late ...LOLX]ard 8plus,we went to limbang park[opp my hse]and strted jogging..haa cos we didn't run for quite a's why we jog for only a few rounds...but after that we were abit tired..ltr went to those excersising thingys[only found out tt it was only for senior who cares,it is open for public de..and IS FREE!!!!]After that, we went to yew tee there and had our breakfast...came bk ard zx bought de VCD..then fetch my sis back home frm school...continue to watch mine...ltr played blackjack..tai di...won$ many fun out there...ard 4plus they went back home and i go fetch my sis agin from piano lessons..haha..

Feb5:woke up at 7am...and heard zx calling..sry ah din pick up cos too lazy le..then rush to do those morning necessities..then i realise zx was already on the way..and he reached my hse damn early !!!not yet7.20am mann..this guy is soso punctual one ^^after tat we went morning jog around the whole estate..phew!tt was one far running track..perspire alot..we go train at the excercise corner..hahax..great time at there..after that ard 8am, we went back to my hse and rest a while...ltr go eat breakfast at the same venue..came back at newspaper ..happen to flip through and realise those intakes for JAE 2009 students..wah..students going to poly increased alot..compared to previous years and other imagine..even those express students having single digits oso opting for POLYS..outstanding!!!later ,went on9 blogs,go to asiasoft website and found out this website page is too cool-SUDDEN ATTACK...around 10plus,zx went back home and strted dl..haha... after dl..both of us tried to log in but w8ing for james to dl and try log in lk dude^^..

right i am posting this blog..updating it for everyone to take a look....anyway, the picts taken from 28dec till now will be uploaded at another post..haha cos i write till there's no space to upload thosepicts le..haha ok. time to upload now..cya..and tc!!

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