Tuesday, June 30, 2009

blah blah blah~ ~ ~

haha...i stop blogging again..haix..gt alot of xin shi....this and that....cant take it man....sometimes i feel tt iam hopeless..luckily my buddy is there for me when i need help...but some cases he cant help much...haix....will try to overcome them ba.^^..haix...

anyway..today is the second day of e-learning at home...kinda busy ..gt to get used of using lappy to note down answer and sent to teachers..it really takes up alot of time..i nearly gave up while doing it man..diff answers and gt to think hard to be able to get the perfect answer..face alot of probs..but luckily i managed to sent my grp de hw to ms fung in time>< will have to approach kenneth, liting for help le....[if i dun noe]..

...nth to say....i think theres really something wrong wif me ,issit???i dk....haha...ps im very random....haha...right now im just resting and listening to songs...bro...bro...bro~

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