Sunday, June 14, 2009


WHOOHOO!!!! we had so much fun,dolly,james,xue er and he coool!!1..hmm we met at 11plus am[due to my lateness]...and went off to vivocity and had our lunch there..hmm..we roamed around the area...bought chocos for shuhada[cos her bdae was ytd..tts why we decided to go to the shop and buy tt as a belated prezzie for her^^]..hmm..once we reached sentosa..we went str8 to find akina and shu..cos they are working there..haha so cool man..hmm jsut only gt to say few words to shu cos she gt to go work..akina brought us ard and gt once..she asked us whether we wanna go try the sky tower..but we rejected..cos damn ps man...HAHAHA...then ltr we say tata to her..and went on to siloso beach..had so much fun at there..too bad james cant come down,cos hes injured....splashing in the cool man!!!!

haha..after an hour plus..we went out the water to see whether theres any msg in our phone[partly we are w8ing anxiously for the reply,whether we had won the latest LG TRANSPARENT PHONE!!! 8MP,TOUCH SCREEN.. omgogmomg!!!]hehe..but theres nth..hehe..then we took some photos of us drenched in salt water..zz tt feeling is so yucky!!!..hehe then my poly bro,marcus called me..[shh...secret..cannot tell..hehehe~~]..then ltr on ,xue er went over to the washroom to have a shower..we three went for another dip ..hohho..this time it was cold!!!..Brrrr...the sudden breeze of the wind,shiver down our spine man...hehe.

hmm..after sometime we went to to have a quick shower..haha....took turns to bathe..cos there are very limited room for showering...><..then, after that we roamed ard the vicinity and just ns we reached at the sky tower...actually we wanna say gdbye to akina de,cos we wawnted to go bk vivo to had our dinner..but...we ltr went to the sky was like OMG!!!!when we reached the top,the scene is so WOW!!!..immediately we took alot of and there and cool man!!!!ehhe really like tt man..thks akina for introducing us the was cool ..we never regret it!!!!!..

:P..after that we really said gb to herand we quickly sat on the mini bus and went bk vivo[we were real famished]..hohoho..we went to subway and eat..$8.10 for just one foot long bread with those!!!it is so EX...LOLOL....dolly was kinda regret buying his cos of tt particular spoils the whole food..tsktsktsk..poor thing....anyway,after dinner..he shun went ot ben and jerry's..whereas we went ouside and sat down to enjoy the night scenery...soon shu and akina cmae..haha we chat and chat till8.45pm and went home le..haha really enjoyed man is even better than the previous one..MARVELLOUS!!!..oh yea!!!!.. will be up jing xing qi dai wor^^haha

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