Thursday, June 11, 2009


hehehe FINALLY I UPDATE THIS BLOG blog is alive from the dead again!!! everyone for not updating my blog...i noe is really rusty liao....hehe..cos kinda busy..ICAS,PROJECTS and is lke ...OMG!!!!!ROAR...but luckily those tests are over le...-woot-...finally can rest for awhile before continuing my projects....Anyway,sch is still the same..time flies even blink of eye few months had just past by....kinda miss my sec clique frens...hmm..but i heard this coming sunday we will be having outing lei..cant w8 to go...MUAHAHAH.....a meet up for us...tts really awesome!!!! in poly... my classmates..they are just so full of enthu..they are likeable,socialble,kind,helpful,understanding etc..really like them alot...they let me understand what is LIFE...really am grateful to have them in the class[except some,especially tt one person..whose kinda stalker...Brrrr]..hehe ..theres yujun,kenneth,marcus,shing hao,chun heng, chai sin,gouwen, liting,lee yee,royston,fatin,gladys,zhimin,siok ann,resti,en qi,vicky and kai xian!!!whohoo..they ROCKS TOTALLY!!!!!..But i did ren shi dao a very very good buddy of mine since the 2nd day of orientation-Chester..[no offence to others ...>< psps ]

WE kinda know each other through the game called sudden is like so random...As we talk,we kinda like noe more about each other and stuffs..haha tts so WOW man...^^...Hes really damn fantastic..i gt no words to express to him..hes just so..awesome!!! MY FOREVER BEST BUDDY...he taught me alot of things,regardless whether issit studies or others..but im really very very appreciated to have such a buddy like him.THk god for letting me to know him[others too^^] one gonna ever take this position away man..Hes the best of the best..TY BROTHER!!!!

hmm..hes big day is coming..and i gt something special to give will remain as a secret...muahahaha....haha..just loss of words..hes a cool guy,hes just so unique...AHH!!!!thks thks thks!!!!!I will do my best as a buddy to help u too de!!!:p


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