Friday, March 6, 2009

hehe hihi ...hmm i oso gt nth to write the morning woke up by my parents..LOL ..both of the clocks all working damn slow..and my dad still thought it was but actually it was 7am...LOL..anyway after that i went bk to sleep again..zzz sianz mann...

woke up at breakfast wif my parents..chatted on those usual stuffs..some are lame ...lolx.After tt, dad went to work...i went to rest awhile before strting to read and memorising my theory stuffs...later on, help to vacuum the ju-on 2 again wif my mum[haha my mum scared till her wits..LOL..pps mama] mum went down to buy lunch for me while i w8ed and took some biscuits and eat ...LOL i eat till my mouth feel tired..anyway, after that when my mum went to fetch my sis ..i helped to print out those theory stuffs for my youngest sis...

ard 1.15pm,both of them came and mum ate ice-cream..then i go play my sa^^..they watch tv,do hw,hsework....hmm anyway haha played wif james, dolly and xue er bro[j.p>>his name]..hehe..enjoyed so much..we keep on killed those ppl...haha after that i lvl up^^...staff sergeant 2nd but still lose to dolly even though we same lvl..his experience is way front of me...he really chiong man..hehehe..

then,ard 6pm..went to eat my dinner...let my sis use the com...i watched tv with my parents and another sis...then at 8pm,i go bathed..after that study again...zzz until 9pm.. i gt back the com and strted playing sa wif james again..but apparently,the server was damn laggy!!!all of us..including other players were lke keep on complaining...dang...lag till i die+ded so many times lo..zz anyway it is just a isn't the the end,the game dc itself....zz i gt to restrt my whole com again..then right now...i'm writing this blog...ltr gonna watched ghost movie on channel u!!^^yea...haha i think i better stop here...will post again..tata

[tc sylvester...slp and eat well...want u to be healthy again asap..and be ready for the ultimate challenge on 20/4/09...SYF!!!...jyjy scco..i noe u all can do it^^]

[ps..i write very little...zzz cos i really dk wat to write..psps!!!will write more next time:P...]

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