Monday, March 16, 2009

my life!!!-lol-

haha..bk posting le..hmm nth much to say except for my piano theory exam tt was in 14mar 09...zzzzz two letters to describe it:GG....zzzzzzzzzz hmm i dun noe about other students taking at other exam venues..but i noe tt students taking exam at fuchun and SMU...:grade 2,3,5,6,7,8 all taking the 'S' ppr...S>> the most difficult and challenging ppr out of 4...[set A,B,C,S]...zz i gt stuck at the last 2nd qn,tt has a total of 25mks!!!!sianz mann!!!distinction goona fly away le....even those other students were cracking their brains lke mad man!!!only 3 went off early..we all keep on doing till 5pm..zzzZ!!!damn stress and hard mann...even those terms all killer mann.[italian,german,french].we were lke :O..!!!wth is tt!!!!in the end we just assumed wat we thought and wrote it on the ans sheet..luckily,we managed tp finish them on time..but the mrks i could get is only either pass or merit..zzz kinda let down my teacher..but she once told me tt seldom ppl took grade6 theory exam,cos of all grades,6 is the most hardest de...i was lke !!!!!!! i shld have taken grade7 at the first place..but anyway ,what's done is done...just got to wait for the results..hopefully i could get what i want!!wish miie lk..thks:P

AFter tt, we went to causeway point to eat dinner ..haha went to ''crystal jade restaurant'' to eat..wah sey cool mann... we were lke wow!!!hahax lol..anyway gt free wet tissue,free food[dk what's tt..but it tasted yucky to me]..we ordered quite alot..muahaha[oso in conjunction to celebrate my mama bdae]..full mann..i ate ard3bowls of man..were done ard 8plus...went shopping afterwards..bought storybook to read[A childhood lost-a life reclaimed ; in harm's sean hogan with michael cameron]..the storyline is cool toks about a he'd suffered under the notorious sch,by these christian brothers[erm no offence,i'm merely copying and paste of what it's writing],being neglected and now he's a grown up to overcome this devastating adversity..and to write this book to tell his own quite ns:P can go and check it out^^...

reached home ard 9 or 10plus..we w8ed for my mum to hang up the phone,then we strted celebrating her bdae..ehhe cool,the cake was a durian[d-24] ice cream cake..kina ns and refreshing...hmm then we got to chat awhile before my mama frens wanna ask her down to have ''meeting''[chatting]..haha she went home ard 1plus..zzz lol's was late mann..but anyway,the most is she enjoyed herself^^..happy bdae mama!!!!..haha :P...then haha i guessed tt's all i can say...overall..i enjoyed myself too..even though tt theory exam was bit disaster for miie..haha lol
..haha signing off now..see ya guys soon :P buai!!!

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