Saturday, March 21, 2009

posting in the morning ^^[re-edit de post...]

haha hihi..woot!!!i got to blog ,i mean post at this period of time man!!!cool!!!but sadly nt using my hse com,but my cousin's lappy...haha james thought i using my hse com..LOL..anyway nt :D..hmm i reached my auntie's hse[eastern part of sg] ard 6plus..kinda l8..but no sis busy to w8 ^^then while w8ing i play sa with dolly for awhile..hes pretty gd..

haha after reached upon my aunt's se..she went down and bought us dinner...guess what?i ate fried carrot cake,popiah,hokkien mee and nasi lemak.cant believe right...i oso broke my eating record man!!!i was lke so damn full after eaing those....even though i rest for 15mins...then my aunt decided to bring us to T.M..asked our cousin to tag along ba,but hes busy doing his to rush cos hes handling a ptj outside[ptj>>part-time job]jyjy !!^^

so,we just went there ourselves...windowshopping ltr,bought some gummies from minitoons,went ntuc bought tidbits for ltr[horror movie],drinks,etc..after tt went bk to aunt's hse..just ns 10 plus..we took turns to bathe...then we strted to munched those tidbits,eat other food while w8ing for the thai horror show tt was on air on channel u from 11.30pm to 1.30am..hehe guess wat again...i kinda snooze off while watching...but overall is okok only..not to horror but abit boring...oso,the storyline weird weird de..ahaha...

anyway after tt went bk to my cousin room and read my storybook,others to the gals room...haha my cousin[desmond]was kinda busy cutting pprs..teaching;complimenting;chatting with his fren..haha..after tt he lent his laptop to me..and here i am writing this late post..haha[to me is very late lo.. lolx!!^^]hehe oso chatting with james and my another cousin..hehe.i think i better end here now....gonna see see other ppl blog..haha..tata readers :P buai!!

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