Friday, April 10, 2009

blah blah blah...

hehe..hmmm sry...kinda lazy to blog ..haha one reason to give..cos i playing sa!!!!!!!!!!!!!zzz forever cant catch up with dolly..he's really too fast...even though i now only one rank below him..but his % and mine de..zz the gap is super wide!!!!..nvm dolly u win le...i cmi le....haha jyjy:P

hmm anyway today in the dad brought me and my sis to meet my aunts and go to cemetry and pray...[kinda hard to explain..hope u guys understand what i meant..lolx]hmm was ard 1o or 11plus..we went to the newly open de 'yew-tee point' de KOFU to eat..but realised is packed with ppl and there aint any seats to 'chop''!!!zzz i fail my tss...><[tss>>>typical singaporean style]zzzz then we just gt to go to the old shopping centre and had our lunch..hmmm again,i ate my nasi lemak...

ard 12plus we went our way bk dad waited for me downstairs to bring me to my aunt's hse to cut^^[anyone interested can tell me :P..shes gd!!hehex]whereas my sis quickly bathe and went to my neighbour hse..cos today it was his bdae and he invited us-the whole family to come over to his hse for celebration..hmm but in the end i din go..>< cos it was kinda late and will bhys when suddenly popped out from nowhere...i reached home ard 2 plus ma...hmm my sis was bringing her frens over to our hse..can see tt everyone was having so much fun!!!!cool man..haha ...

after my bath..strted playing SA lo...hmm oso..zx told me tt they strted moving to downtown east in the AFTERNOON!!!! -.- lol and i thought they meet up at 11am.hmm wonder what they played at there..hehe lol so kpo...i complain to zx tt their meeting time is faster than flash....and he told me faster than lightning...we two were lke lol la!!!!! hahahahaha.erm ok ...i'm mad...anyway everyone is having so much today^^yea!!!had a 1v1 with man ...his skills gd de worh^^jyjy :P..hmmm,i played till i lvled up,which is 8plus :P..and now i'm just writing this blog..lols..hmm time to change my song le..:Pand maybe for my blogskin..haha...times out for me!!:P tc everyone...TC HOR!!!! cos sch strting soon le[for polys ppl]..yipee!!!sch strting le!!!YES!!!!!!

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