Sunday, April 5, 2009

yipee!!the fun times at chalet and at the airport :P

hohoho..time for posting after soooooooooooooooooooo long of break....hehe went for chalet on 30,31mar and 1apr ..haha alr went past few days le,and the moments we had there are still fresh inside my much much much better than the previous de lo ..yeayes!!success^^

1st day:

me,dolly,von,akina,xue er and zx sat on mok's godma de car..haha i finally gt to sit on the middlle section le^^if not i always gt to squeeze at behind...hmm the journey wasn't tt long...dolly played von's psp..zx..indeed, slping at the bk seat..akina listening to her song ..others just either chatting or doing their own things...hmm reached the resort at ard2plus..just nice ,justin,junhao,james,kingkit reached at the destination :P after awhile we gt tgt and mok's godma helped us to settle those documents thingy...not long,we went into tt ''gate'' and walked to our room>>[c ****][forget the no. liao]..unpacked our belongings and went on to have our lunch..after tt went to e-hub and shop...bought some necessities bk....^^ then strted playing games..erm not actually games....anyway we played uno..and it lasted for hrs man!!!!!is true!!!after two ppl had won..the others keep playing and playing...wanna noe the reason???cos there's 4cards of tt anniversary cards...zzzzz but was still considered fun ^^enjoyed tt.quite challenging though..hmm ard 7plus zx went bk home le....after that we strted playing mahjong...watched campus superstar..woohoo..aijia in lei!!!!yeayea :P...hmmm anyway we had our dinner 10plus...kinda late seh..can be my supper lo..went bk room ltr..took turns to played mahjong with dolly,justin,kk,rx,james and others too ^^]was the 2nd last to bathe..kinda ''shuang''.the time was alr past midnight le.yet we were still enjoying oursleves^^...of cos ..slowly one by one went off to sleep lo..left me,dolly,von,james and kk...played poker..were lke betting for $ the end[nvm i dun tok abt the money]..time :very very very late....haha akina,justin and xe were lke randomly wake up and huh...[make funny]..kinda funny .cos ppl were lke snoring ..and the way they slp alot of positions de^^[no offence]...ard 5or 6plus we went on to play uno stacko,after few rounds i felt kinda slpy...hehe guess what we did...we on the lights,increase the speed of the fan...motive:to wake up the 1st shifts ...cos we 2nd shifts wanna get some slp!!!!]...finally we were able to get some slp at 7plus am..dolly most poor thing slp very very,stuck in between rx and junhao..couldnt get off to slp soundly... haha ,anyway we took alot of photos during the first day ^^yeayea

2nd day:

hehe w8 till everyone ready and the time were alr 10plus..decided to not to waste any more time..rush off to have our breakfast cum lunch..after that me,kkand justin went bk room to change to our shoes..cos we went bowling after tt....had sosososo much fun at there...managed to strike abit not lke one person..mostly STRIKE DE LOR!!![nt referring to rx ^^]haha nvm ..most impt thing is we enjoyed oursleves^^[xe noes how to play bolwing!!!!!]in the end,took some grp photos..returned the shoes bk ..and when we were calculating for the costs...i thought per game was $3..LOL!!!! and i realised it was per person..ZZZZZZZZZZ =.=!!!bo to pay for the two games...hahax..went bk room after tt..played police and and von keep getting those same special cards[either thieves or policemen] was so fun de lor!!!!...king kit went bk home after this cos he gt tuition...hehe he ltr came bk and ask can lend hp,cos his de no batt le..funny man he^^..ltr on,we played mahjong till something terrible or shld i say -omg- happened...dolly kinda call james dog[cos the way he sat really looked lke it]..and he just fell down...and broke those 2 cups provided from the chalet...everyone went silent..whole room were filled with silence..everyone cleared up the mess quick...everyone were appalled by tt incident..couldn't believe our own eyes tt he fell down cos of tt....OMG!! luckily everyting was done in a matter of time...jh and justin went off cos they gt something on..zzz and here we were ..left 7ppl liao...anyway after tt we continued to play mahjong...till 6 plus..sent akina off home^^ 6 person left le....went on to buy our dinner cum supper cum breakfast>>>>cup noodles...we were broke!!!!..haha...ltr von went to her fren's hse to pass her something...we played mahjong..[b4 tt we ate our noodles plus those eggs and watched channel man ..and thks ^^]...after that we were lke kinda went out to chosoe what vcds to loan...[one missed call and wall-e] th end only rx and dolly watched the whole movies..everyone were lke slping..haha lol psps!!!cos we were super tired man..indeed...everyone woke up the next day ard 9plus^^

3rd day:

haha..woke up by my hp our things ready,packed le,kinda tidy up the place...ate some instant noodles..von was lke complaining tt she gt sore throat..hmm ard 10.35am went out to checked out our room..haix fast finish le ...while w8ing for the FREE shuttle bus ride..we went to the kopitiam and sat there..smelling those food ..zzz were hungry..haha..haha in the end we missed the bus cos james had to go to the loo...zz ..went on to take the bus..60+cents lei..ex lo...ltr on me,dolly,xe and james went to airport..rx and von went home tgt...we took lots of puicts there..did diff kinds of pose...went ot roam ard t2 and t3..kinda fun man^^we were lke pretending to be tourists ..haha...soooooooo fun !!!! yipee^^..anyway ard 2 or 3plus we went bk home le..cos kinda bored and slpy liao..haha tt's where we part our ways le...kinda short for 3rd day..hehe anyway everyone had great time during this 3 days,right??haha hopefully there's even more to it^^cool !!!yeayea!!!

finally..posting finish time ba..or u guys can just go to dolly,xe,rx,blah blah de blogs there ..cos they gt upload those cool photos...^^yeayea :P muahahha!!!!!

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