Sunday, April 19, 2009

whoo hoo..TMR WILL BE THE DAY....

tmr will be the most impt day!!!!!!!!!!!!!11

1.SCH STRTS le!!!..yippee it strts from 1pm to i am free in the morning^^..hmm and i take this free time to go down to scss to help out!!!oh yea...hmmm anyway..the two days orientation was pretty fun ^^i LOVE THE 2nd day!!water games under the hot sun for hours!!tio sunburnt man..had some verbal arguement]but we had so much fun tgt as a class!!!AHHHH~~1st day was totally bpring..actually i dun intend to go for 2nd day..but i still went^^and i realised tt day was soooooooo coool!!!love my classmates and the OGLs..thks alot!!!!hmm even though i left ard 4pm..but during tt 7hrs..i made alot of friends and we kinda chat and chat and chat..esp chester...[we strt toking abt SA!!!..din noe tt he plays too ]..haha was amazing ..just fantastic!!!..

tmr strts le!!!sch strts le!!!yippee!!!!a new year gonna begins in another 1day few hrs :P

2.SYF tmr for SCCO!!!woot man!!!!!the day scco makes it history..hmmm they gt high chance man..listen to their F.O ytd ..indeed they din let us down..improved tremendously lei!!!so jnrs...jyjyjyjyjy!!!! snr coming down tmr le:Pso dun give up hor!!!! I PROMISE U ALL DE I WILL DO IT..SO U GUYS MUST PROVE TO ME HOR!!! go for it ...chiong ah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

3.gonna meet dolly and zx on wed!!cool just realised three of us end our class latest kinda wanna meet tgt and hang out^^haha..cant w8 for this....!!

yYEAYEA!!!!JY SCCO!!!!gambateh!!!!!!!MAKE IT AWESOME !!!!!

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