Tuesday, April 14, 2009


^^woke up ard 8.50am today...alone at home...did my hsework and rest awhile...dolly called and we kinda chat abt what he was doing at the orientation held at NP...0.o..kinda boring><....ltr tt went to play sa...intended to chiong but is hard..so i just played at my usual speed...hmmm ard afternoon,dolly came my hse to take the NP letter...ard 3plus rx came too :P..hmm what we did were just chatting away....but me playing most of the time..psps...anyway our topic was mostly abt sa..haha cos it was our common topic currently^^yea...sadly..they went home ard 5plus....cos they gtg bk home early and to have their dinner....hehe..though it was only quite awhile.but we kinda enjoyed oursleves..yea man..hopefully we can meet up sometime even when school strts...hmmm :P..haha gonna go play sa le ...see ya next time readers!! ^^

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