Monday, July 13, 2009


zzzz..u did it again...why issit always so hard to interact wif u??why??tell me why??

maybe i shldnt had appeared in yr life..nth will happen...

just be cos of tt and u did it..din u noe what my feelings are when u said tt??

SO, u choose tt over me,and i thought we promise we will have it next year..u scam me...i cant believe it..u will choose tt..haix...WHY..GOD, help restless..each day,everyday,i have been suffering this kind of pain...i couldnt get enuf of slp..woke up in the middle of the night..thinking what i have done wrong to be in this kind of pathetic state...why..tell me,why....dun get the wrong idea that i am saying it is yr fault..its just so ><[dk what to say].i really cant believe it..istotally diff from what it is expected..i am feeling down..real down..and it is gonna late and i cant get to slp...these few days i have been like tt..i dun noe why...maybe its fate,maybe its just tt i dun belong to this world...maybe i shld have gone bk to the route tt i wanted previously...maybe...haix...

what i hope now is,to be able to overcome this and live happily like last time..pls..spare me this suffering...i beg u dearly....pls..

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