Wednesday, July 15, 2009


lol sia today..was stuck at the excel ..and i thought i was wrong ..but actually..i haven been correct all this while...ZZZZ...and i w8ed from 10plus till 12pm just to edit it again and again...LOLOL man!!!!!!!!=.=||..anyway after this,bro and others went to D3** and do our proj..LOL but my grp din..see..i so lah...cos we kinda noe what we are gonna do we just gt to paste those pieces into 1 whole piece and it will be worries..we will finish it before the deadline!!!yeayea....

after tt ard 2plus,went wif bro and the others to play pool..haha kinda fun ..[dun wanna explain further more as it will make me piss...]..

5plus..went to cinema and check for latest movie...bro went to buy yoghurt..i went to buy vcd :''the nun''...hmm thinking whether will it be ns..haha..

6plus...we took the mrt and went home...haha..but during the journey we spoke no less than 10 sentences><..zzzzzzz ...but partly was becos both of us were kinda we just dozed off in the train....yea...luckily gt one indian lady accidentally knock her things onto me..and when i woke up ..i realised it was my stn...PHEW!!! yea...and i said bye to bro and went bk home kinda enjoyable today...except for some unhappy events...hopefully we two can tok to tgt again,but more..^^

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