Tuesday, July 14, 2009

ooh a good day ahead?!

oooh...today is so cool...im feeling more better le..yea...isn't it a good sign??haha...hopefully it will continue to be like this ^^...

anyway me and bro went to have a quick lunch during poa lecture..haha..kinda cool..anyway partly is becos our stomach are growling, and we gt to stop them from making those weird sound...eeyuk!! lol..so tts why....but in the end,we are still as hungry as usual[esp me..=.=|..i gt monster appetite]

haha..anyway me and bro kinda like keep chatting away..chat abt anything we can think of ^^ hehe...and i super love it!!!!not saying i am what,i am just conveying that we din really gt to chat so long since last time[dk when was it,cos its really very long]..yippe!!!!! ^^ im just feeling WOW!!! yeayea!!!

i really am happy today!!whohoo!!!hhahahaa...k la..i go slp le..cya tmr :P buai..nites :O

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