Saturday, July 11, 2009

a lost teen boy ..feeling hurt.:(

to everyone who is reading my blog......

I'm heart is aching badly...i've nth to say..i always thought tt everything is perfect wif you tagging along..but i guess i'm wrong..everything has changed when you said tt sentence repeatedly.everything is as if nth to me.:( me from this torture..everyday i gt to face hard,it is really hard for me to keep on bearing wif this tremendous pain..i dk whether are you reading this now, but i just wanna say,i am really hurt deep down my heart.of what u said,i guess i have no nothing to live on..

these few days,im living in my own world..din u see any changes about me??not eating, emo-ing[chose to be quiet]and to sit down there chatting wif no more than 5words.It is all because of made me into this..happy:to be able to find a gd buddy like u..sad:we are of diff dimension...everytime i wanna tell u how i feel..u arent there to give me comfort,to provide me wif opinions or things like that...u disappeared whenever i needed tt..false hope,i guess..i wun expect much...up till living by myself...

im sharing my story at this blog..and hopefully someone could ''save'' me out of this..but i think is hard...i still think that i am a stranger in the class,just like my another classmate and i doubt they will understand my tong hurt...real hurt..

i do not want that, but i had no choice..please~dun do tt...:'(

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